Tilbage til: SECURITY COPY Trainer Course
SECURITY COPY Trainer Course
Why is this important?
Let’s take Lena. Lena is a 10 year old girl with Down syndrome. If she is lucky, a specialsport-team with an awesome trainer may be located close to where she lives. Fifteen years later, research shows that this single factor may change her life:
Not a part of a specialsport-team
- Lena spends the majority of afternoons and weekends at home alone with her Ipad
- She has family and roomies at her living facilities – but no friends from ‘outside’
- She needs a lot of help with her daily routine tasks
- She increasingly put on weight and may develop a lifestyle disease like type 2 diabetes
Takes part in specialsport-team
- Lena loves her weekly training and join every social event, that the club holds
- She is an active volunteer in another organization and has a wide network
- She goes by public transportation to her job in the supermarket
- She has an active lifestyle and doesn’t need to see the doctor very often
The reality is that 90% of children like Lena, from specialschools in Denmark, belong to the left-side column. They do not get introduced to sport clubs or these don’t have teams that fit their specific needs.
YOU can help to change the lives of children with special needs through sport. So that one day, Simon and Marius in this video, are not the exception but the rule.